Enkenia is a planet designed for rehabilitation and personal transformation, offering a place for minor offenders to reflect on their actions and reintegrate into society. Known for its serene environment and Earth-like conditions, it provides a peaceful setting for introspection and healing.

Key Features:

  • Frigid Outlands: Uninhabitable, icy regions marking the natural boundaries of Enkenia.

  • Environment: Lush forests, flowing rivers, and peaceful meadows, blending nature with rehabilitation centers.

  • Climate: Milder weather in regulated zones; the planet's terraforming systems create breathable air and temperate climates.

Cultural and Social Structure

Core Values:

  • Empathy and Compassion: Rehabilitation through understanding and emotional growth.

  • Accountability: Offenders are encouraged to take responsibility for their actions and contribute to their community.

  • Interconnectedness: Fostering a deep understanding of how individual actions impact others and the environment.

Beliefs and Mottos:

  • “Renewal is not a gift; it’s a journey.”

  • “The path to forgiveness begins with the self.”

Traditions and Celebrations:

  • Day of Renewal: A monthly event where offenders release lanterns bearing their regrets into rivers.

  • Reflection Trails: Guided paths through nature designed to encourage self-awareness and growth.

  • Unity Circles: Communal gatherings for sharing stories of growth, triumphs, and challenges.

Daily Life and Routine

  • Structured Reflection: Mornings begin with meditation or journaling, followed by group discussions led by mentors.

  • Physical Contribution: Offenders engage in community tasks such as farming, building, and environmental upkeep.

  • Educational Programs: Courses on emotional intelligence, sustainability, and practical skills.

  • Personal Growth Time: Afternoons are dedicated to solitary reflection in nature.

Governance and Social Hierarchy

  • Reformist Council: A group of mediators, psychologists, and environmental experts who guide the rehabilitation process.

  • Hierarchical Structure: The Reformist Council governs the planet, while offenders, mentors, and support staff form the population.

  • Core Philosophy: Focus on restoration through compassion, with decisions made democratically.

Key Figures

  • High Mediator Selene Maris: The calm, empathetic leader of the Reformists.

  • Guide Teryn Kalo: A former offender who now mentors others through their rehabilitation journey.

  • Warden Tovek Rahl: Oversees security and logistics, ensuring offenders respect Enkenia's rules.

Challenges and Conflicts

  • Resistance from Offenders: Some offenders resist rehabilitation, leading to uprisings or disruptions.

  • Elite Exploitation: There are rumors that the Elite manipulate the system, sending political dissidents to Enkenia.

  • Environmental Strain: The delicate balance between human presence and the planet’s natural serenity is constantly tested.

Economy and Trade

  • Self-Sustaining System: Enkenia operates on communal labor and resource-sharing, with offenders contributing to the rehabilitation process.

  • Exports: Rehabilitated individuals, environmental sustainability practices, and knowledge on terraforming.

  • Imports: Advanced equipment for maintaining terraforming stations and nutritional supplements.

Interaction with Other Planets

  • Role in the Solar System: Enkenia is a neutral rehabilitation center, symbolizing hope and renewal.

  • Relations with Other Planets: Strong connections with planets like Mistrucury (contrast in philosophies), Patis (exchange of sustainable practices), and Ardalis (agricultural support).

  • Key Interactions: Enkenia shares its rehabilitation practices, often visited by delegations from other planets to learn about its methods.

Key Language: Kishlar

  • Tone and Structure: Simple, yet profound, designed for introspection and personal transformation.

  • Grammar: Focuses on clarity and emotional understanding, with an emphasis on personal responsibility.

  • Vocabulary: Rich in words related to growth, transformation, and the natural world
