Apex Military Academy
• Focus: Specialized military training and strategic development.
• Description: Capus’ flagship institution for military training. This school is where all recruits go through an intensive and highly competitive program, learning everything from combat tactics to advanced weaponry. It also serves as a breeding ground for Capus' elite military officers, working alongside the Apex Guild for enhanced tactical operations.
• Notable Programs: Tactics and Strategy, Raid Strategy, Hand-to-Hand Combat, Stealth and Camouflage.
Cortex Institute Technology
• Focus: Advanced technology and AI systems.
• Description: Known for its cutting-edge research in artificial intelligence, robotics, and bioengineering, the Cortex Institute is Capus’ premier school for tech and engineering, developing the brightest minds in the sector.
• Notable Programs: Bioengineering, Foreign Resource Management, Virtual Reality Design, Alien Forensic Science.
Hydrosphere Research Institute
• Focus: Water farming, aquaculture, and marine biology.
• Description: With the majority of Patis covered in water, this institute specializes in cultivating aquatic crops, sustainable fish farming, and preserving oceanic ecosystems. It has made significant advancements in aquatic agriculture and water resource management.
• Notable Programs: Foreign Biosecurity, Alien Organic Chemistry, Foreign Life Science, Sustainable Sciences.
The Verdant Academy
• Focus: Agriculture, biology, and environmental sciences.
• Description: The Verdant Academy is renowned for its focus on organic farming, crop cultivation, and agricultural innovations. It has a strong emphasis on bioengineering in the context of agriculture, blending ancient farming techniques with modern technology.
• Notable Programs: Advanced Gardening, Bioengineering, Foreign Life Physics, Life Gardening.
The Arcane Academy of Tallora
• Focus: Learning new powers and abilities.
• Description: As one of the three prestigious academies in the system, The Arcane Academy is where individuals with newly discovered powers are trained. The academy offers personalized instruction, adapting to each student's abilities and helping them control their new magical or psychic skills.
• Notable Programs: Elemental Magic, Magic Rituals, Charm Casting, Planetary History.
The Tallora Academy of Fine Arts
• Notable Programs: Visual Artistry, Musical Innovations, Theatrical Enactments, Intergalactic Dance Styles.
• Focus: Artistic and creative expression.
• Description: A prestigious academy dedicated to fine arts, where students learn to channel their creativity through various mediums like painting, music, and theatrical performances. The Academy of Fine Arts is especially famous for its magical art programs and intergalactic dance classes.
The Diplomatic Institute of Nexus Spire
• Focus: Diplomacy, politics, and interplanetary relations.
• Description: As the second of the three prestigious academies, Nexus Spire’s school trains future diplomats, negotiators, and leaders in the art of diplomacy. Students here learn to navigate the complex political landscapes of the Mungo system and handle delicate interplanetary negotiations.
• Notable Programs: Foreign Life Science, Foreign Ethics, Alien Law and Politics, Ethics & Philosophy.
The Ecliptaris Institute of Galactic Excellence
• Focus: High academic achievement, research, and development.
• Description: Known as the most prestigious institution in the Mungo system, the Ecliptaris Institute is renowned for its rigorous admissions process and its history of shaping the greatest minds in science, politics, and the arts. Students here are expected to push boundaries and redefine what is possible in their fields.
• Notable Programs: Alien Science, Alien Law and Politics, Bioengineering, Foreign Neuroscience.
Luminous Academy of Fine Arts and Magical Expression
• Focus: The artistic and mystical fields, including the fine arts and magical rituals.
• Description: This academy is dedicated to cultivating the highest level of artistic and magical talent, combining visual and performing arts with mystical practices. Students here are trained in creating works of art that are as much about emotional and magical impact as they are about technical skill.
• Notable Programs: Magical Engineering, Writing & Storytelling, Magical Rituals, Festivities & Rituals.